Outdoor Portable Adult Suffocation First Aid Device | Emergency Rescue Tool | Easy To Carry Medical Equipment

Product features:

Easy-grip Handle
Transparent DesignLets you see the removedobstruction
Patented One Way ValvePrevents air from being pushedthrough the mask
Interchangeable MaskSizes for Adults and Children
Light weight, you can take itanywhere.
Super suction, maximum suc-tion out of blockages.
Two different sizes S&XSsuitable for different facesizes,
Can be used alone, save thegolden time.
Place the mask overmouth and nose
Push down the mask
Pull up for suctioningwhat’s in the throat

Outdoor emergency portable adult suffocation first aid device

Outdoor emergency portable adult suffocation first aid device

Outdoor emergency portable adult suffocation first aid device

Outdoor emergency portable adult suffocation first aid device

Outdoor emergency portable adult suffocation first aid device

Outdoor emergency portable adult suffocation first aid device

Product Description:

The outdoor emergency portable adult choking aid device is an emergency rescue device used to handle adult choking emergencies. It is designed to be portable, easy to carry, and use, making it convenient for emergency operations in outdoor environments.

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